
Vitamin Therapy

Vitamin injections are a way to get vitamins more efficiently. When injected into the glute muscle you absorb 100% of the vitamin compared to taking oral vitamins. You get a personalized formula, as we like to call it a “vitamin cocktail” made for you and your needs.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

As men and women age, our hormones can get off track due to age, stress, poor diet, and excess body fat. When we are out of balance it can impact more than our sex lives. The hormone pellets are the size of a grain of rice and are placed into the body fat, releasing tiny and regular doses of hormones into the body, maintaining correct and natural levels.

Facial Rejuvenation

Between chemical peels and micro-needling, there are ways to encourage your skin to produce more collagen to slow down the aging process.

Fillers & Injectables

Whether it’s fuller lips, fewer expression lines, or wrinkles. We got you covered. There are a variety of fillers and neurotoxins used to help you look and feel your best.

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